Latest software

Should you always update your computer with new software?

It depends on the specific software in question, but in general, the answer is yes. In regard to software that is native to your operating system (i.e. Windows or Mac), you should update them regularly without question, as they provide performance and security fixes. for Windows, you can Go to for such updates. As for other software, regular updates are almost always crucial. Web browsers, for example, should always be kept up to date as they usually improve security enhancements, among other important or convenient enhancements. Most software also notifies you when updates are ready to install, making it easy to stay up to date. Another nice thing about updating is that newer versions often have new, improved features and aesthetics On a final note, you should not confuse upgrading your software to the latest version with routine fixes (this should always be done) with upgrading to a "premium" or "pro" version that requires a payment (many programs are provided as sort of a teaser to a better version that you have to pay for, and you should be aware that they are often made out to be more crucial then they really are). So basically if there is an upgrade available- download it- unless you have to pay something.


How can you install computer software in a computer?

This is a very simple procedure. All you have to do is to locate the setup file and follow the instructions.

1) First of all, you got to find the setup file. Set file is an executable file with extension '.exe' If it was a downloaded zipped or rar file, unzip/unrar it.

Most of the software discs contain a file named setup.exe or an installer file.

2) After you located the setup file, run it.
3) If it was not a free-ware you'll be prompted to enter the registration key (appearing on disc cover or inreadme.txt file in software folder)

Sometimes, you'll have to register the product after installation. It's different from software to software.

Don't panic, just follow the instructions, understand and take a friend's help if needed.

How do you install software from other computers?

Answer it is very dificult to do that so i would sugest finding out the programs and softwares that you want and go download or by them yourself. or you have to go through a long and hard process of sending through the computer cables and that takes forever. so the other way is easier. :D

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